The Bhagavad Gita for A Modern Student

By Dr K Aravinda Rao (Author)

The Bhagavad Gita for A Modern Student
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Religion Today

We are familiar with the word religion. We know the names

such as Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and such others. They all talk about three things - what is God, what is creation and what a person should do to be in tune with God's orders. Religions lay down a code of conduct, a list of dos and don'ts, called ethics. We are bound by these ethics.

Most of us are born into one religion or the other. It is not by choice; it is by accident that we are born into a religion. We are given a name and a social identity by the elders who are followers of the religion. We think that it is our identity and feel bound by the dictates of the religion. Generations of people stuck to the bounds of such structure.

But even in the olden days there were several people who did not accept anything without rationally examining it. They were in search of truth, and truth can be known by logical reasoning and by physical experience. They were known as philosophers.

How do religions talk about God? Has anyone seen the God? No, but in the religious texts there are several details about God, his enchanted place called heaven, his instructions to his chosen people and so on. The followers do not raise questions. The person who founded a religion did not bother.................

Religion Today We are familiar with the word religion. We know the names such as Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and such others. They all talk about three things - what is God, what is creation and what a person should do to be in tune with God's orders. Religions lay down a code of conduct, a list of dos and don'ts, called ethics. We are bound by these ethics. Most of us are born into one religion or the other. It is not by choice; it is by accident that we are born into a religion. We are given a name and a social identity by the elders who are followers of the religion. We think that it is our identity and feel bound by the dictates of the religion. Generations of people stuck to the bounds of such structure. But even in the olden days there were several people who did not accept anything without rationally examining it. They were in search of truth, and truth can be known by logical reasoning and by physical experience. They were known as philosophers. How do religions talk about God? Has anyone seen the God? No, but in the religious texts there are several details about God, his enchanted place called heaven, his instructions to his chosen people and so on. The followers do not raise questions. The person who founded a religion did not bother.................


  • : The Bhagavad Gita for A Modern Student
  • : Dr K Aravinda Rao
  • : Emasco Books
  • : MANIMN4225
  • : paparback
  • : March,l 2023
  • : 124
  • : English


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