
  • Naalo. . . . . Naatho. . . YSR By Y S Vijaya Rajashekarareddy Rs.450
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    Also available in: Naalo Naatho YSR
  • Sri Ramana Mogali Rekulu By Sri Ramana Rs.240
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               అతి ప్రాచీన రాజకవి హాలుని గాథాసప్తశతిలోని కథలలో చమత్కారం వుంటుంది. తగు మోతాదులో శృంగా…
  • Prakruthi Pilupu By Jack London Rs.100
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           కుక్క విశ్వాసముగల జంతువు. కుక్క పిల్లపై మక్కువ లేని వారంటూ ఉండరు. కుక్కల్లో ఎన్నో విధాలై…
  • David Copperfield By Charles Dickens Rs.250
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                        చాల్స్ డికెన్స్ నవలలలో బిల్డింగ్ స్రోమన్ శైలివే అధికం . డేవిడ్ కాపర్ ఫీల్డ్ , అశ్లి…
    Also available in: David Copperfield
  • 25 Hope Street By Dr Suneetha Mulinti Rs.150
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    25 Hope Street is a Collection of Short Stories, based on true experiences of radiation oncologist, Dr Suneetha Mulinti. In past two decades, as an oncologist, Suneetha came across scores of patients and their family members who displayed enormous gri…
  • Compter Awareness By K Kiran Kumar Rs.100
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                This book is a simple and easy to understand     the  computer awareness in competitive exams.The    style of the author makes you to read  this book as    a fast paced thriller.      The book contains th…
  • Land Guns Caste Women By Gita Ramaswamy Rs.599
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    Why I had to write this book This is the story of my reckoning with myself and the world around me. I was born into a Tamil brahmin family with roots in Kerala. For over five decades, the rugged Deccan landscape of Hyderabad and its surrounding dis…
  • English Daralamga Matladamdi By C V Krishna Rs.93
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                                        ప్రస్తుత కాలంలో అన్ని భాషల్లోకీ ఇంగ్లీషు భాషకే ఎక్కువ ప్రాధాన్యత ఉంది. ఎ…
  • English Grammar By Vishalakshi Sarma Rs.60
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                                  6వ తరగతి నుండి 10వ తరగతి వరకు మరియు ఇంటర్ విద్యార్థులను దృష్టిలో ఉంచుకొని మారి…
  • Think and Grow Rich By Nepoleon Hill Rs.125
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                                   "Think and Grow Rich" is a blueprint for achieving wealth and personal success. But the book doesn't discuss how to start a business or invest money. Instead, it focuses on psychological, emotional and sp…
  • Jurisprudence in Ancient Bharat By Dr A Anantha Krishna Rao Rs.300
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                   The present book 'Jurisprudence in Ancient Bharat' is a comprehensive introduction to the civil and criminal law in ancient India. The author has referred to the contemporary concepts such as human rights and the rule of law an…
  • Success Sutras Satisfaction Mantras By Swami Maitreya Rs.50
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                  In this book, with my background of both Eastern and Western philosophies I tried to give the best solutions for attaining both success and satisfaction. The ultimate success is obviously satisfaction. Hence without satisfaction o…
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