we compel our children to learn mathematics, science and other subjects. But, don't we need to ask them to build their character as well? This book is about leading a life that is value centric as that would in turn lead one to path of success. there are many successful people in this world, however, all may not be peaceful. One can enjoy success if it is obatained using ethical means rather than dishonest ways. Success obtained in that manner makes it more meaningful, and our life would be blessed with peace and satisfaction. Immense research work has been done in order to put together the content of this book. It all began as an intiative or Mr. violin Vasu's project, sabarmathi sangeet.
- violin Vasu
we compel our children to learn mathematics, science and other subjects. But, don't we need to ask them to build their character as well? This book is about leading a life that is value centric as that would in turn lead one to path of success. there are many successful people in this world, however, all may not be peaceful. One can enjoy success if it is obatained using ethical means rather than dishonest ways. Success obtained in that manner makes it more meaningful, and our life would be blessed with peace and satisfaction. Immense research work has been done in order to put together the content of this book. It all began as an intiative or Mr. violin Vasu's project, sabarmathi sangeet.
- violin Vasu