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Religious Tolerance and Aurangzeb By Abul Fouzan M A Rs.80 In StockIn my primary and high school education, I was taught that Emperor Aurangzeb was a tyrant next only to the most notorious Hitler in the annals of world history. As I grew up, I was surprised to know that though an em…
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Aatmavidyaprakasamu By B S S Rao Rs.300 In Stockమనిషిగా పుట్టినందుకు పురుషార్దపరుడు తప్పక కావాలి. ఆ దిశగా నడి…
Amrutha Murthy By S S Patel Rs.250 In Stockశ్రీ ఎస్. ఎస్. పటేల్ గారు అమృతమూర్తి ప్రథమ భాగము ఆరేళ్లకు కిందట ఆవిష్కరింపబడినది. ఇందులో …
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Portuguese Civil Code, 1867 By M S Sonak Rs.2,500Out Of StockOut Of Stock Civil Law is the main Stream of law. In Goa it is spread over the Portuguese Civil Code , 1867, portuguese Code of Civil procedure, 1939, Family Laws- Marriage, Divorce, Childern, the Goa Code Of…
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